Essay on SUMMER SEASON in English, 15 lines Essay on Summer For Kids


1. Summer is the hottest season of the year falling after spring and before autumn.

2. During summer, the days are longest and the nights are shortest .

3. Summer season generally ranges from April to September months.

4. Summer is traditionally associated with hot or warm weather.

5. The weather in this season becomes quite dry with soaring temperature.

6. Warm air (Loo) blows all through the season which impacts the normal routine of people.

7. In summer season, mornings are pleasant but afternoons are very hot.

8. People feel sleepy and they refrain from going out during afternoons.

9. In the evenings, the sunlight is less harsh and the temperatures are slightly cooler.

10. Though summer season has high temperature but it is important for agriculture and rainfall.

11. It is also a season of tasty and favourite fruits like mangoes, grapes, muskmelons, papayas, water melons etc.

12. Children enjoy this season by eating ice creams and drinking mango shakes, banana shakes and cold drinks.

13. It is the time when the schools are closed for the summer vacations.

14. Summer vacation is the perfect time for relaxing, swimming, and for visiting hill stations.

15. So, summer season is the hottest yet interesting and entertaining season.

1 comment:

  1. Great article. Thank you. I have also written a post on Summer season in Hindi
    You can check it out...


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